Album: Longevity - Single
I was dead in the water
Ready to be stillborn into eternity
No pulse my blood had run cold
No life in this corpse
No hope for me
But tempests swept my gaze clear
I saw your cloud of glory
From the storm came lightning
Shocked my heart of stone into flesh
And now I'm nestled in the eye
The wind rips my shame from me
And I know I'll be consumed
By Your furious love that's found me
These waves will rise to take me
Raze these dry bones alive
And this monsoon overtakes me
Drowning me yet sustaining
Waves of mercy washing over me
Tides of love dragging me to the deep
Drag me away
Take me to the deep
Unfathomable love
Let the depths change me
The waters rise to take me
But I know You'll never leave
New heart of flesh
May it freely beat
Fill my lungs God
Make me breath
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